Wednesday 9 February 2011

Main Issues - Violence

Violence is one of the main concerns when it comes to classifying a film, the following have to be taken into account;
- Violence has always been a feature of entertainment for children and adults
- The degree and nature of any violence must be taken into consideration when a film is being classified
- More restrictive classifications will be given to works which feature; portrayal of violence as a normal solution to problems, heroes who inflict pain and injury, callousness towards victims, the encouragement of aggressive attitudes, and content which depicts characters taking pleasure in pain or humiliation
- Sexual violence or works which glorify or glamorise violence will receive a more restrictive classification and may even be cut
- A strict policy on sexual violence and rape is applied
- Content which may eroticise or endorse sexual violence may require cuts at any classification level

1 comment:

  1. great notes overall george; your reflections particularly were really thorough and well thought through. well done miss b :-)
